
Back to School


Saying goodbye and rushing back to school days. Finally, I'll meet up with brand new surroundings in my new school, no, that's university to be true. These past days have been quite busy with the orientation tasks. Writing a personal essay about my self starting from the past and my future dreams makes my brain turning around here and there, and in the end it just resulted a messed-up and scattered idea. I'll try to post it later, well that's kinda embarrassing, showing off how I am so bad at writing down an idea.

My sister also started to move out to her boarding house, well finally after 12 years we always went to the same school, and these past 2 years we were in a same class, we decided to go on our own way to pursue what we have dreamed. She will continue her study in industrial engineering while I take major in medicine. We are completely having different vision of our future.

As a varsity student, I don't think I can just sit still and sleep soundly like what I have always done in the past. I mean, how stressful I was in high school when I need to join competition, followed a training, and doing my exams, I could still sleep at least 6 hours a day. But looking at how typical med-students run their lives, I should make sure that I am prepared to even let my eyes opened for a night and a day. Seeing so many thick books I'll need to master and how there will be more challenging thing, I don't think I can have a time to scroll on my twitter's timeline.

However, those are how successful man did in their past, right? Rather than quitting, I think the most possible fact is to conquer and strive more.I have my goals and indeed need to deal with the determination to make it real.

Fighting for you guys! Those who never stop cycling the bike will never stop and fall. Just make sure, you direct the wheels in a right way :)