
Brand New Soul


We are a team! Girls starting from left {Lorisna, Ratih, Mba Ninis, Nirmala, Silvana, Me, Elsa, Febri, Kia}. Boys starting from left {Mas Naufal, Faiz, Sesar, and Sutan} one person was missing *Arsyad*. We'll walk together for six months ahead to start our journey. We are NEFROLOGY.
This has been a hectic week -- sort of essays, reviews, and all things dealing with new student orientation. For the first time in a long life, I have finally had the opportunity to feel such a feeling where time seems rushing me, and this has been giving me a reflection about what is going to come next as a med-student. About time, how it flies so fast, about how there won't be any enough of it. About new surroundings, the people whom I'll share my future and days together. I feel like I just graduated yesterday, and now I am a complete and official med-student.

The question then will arise, how I'll fight against lives which I'll meet up everyday? How can I get some measure to control? Between tests and quizzes, projects and lab reports, bloody big and thick books. Weeks and months will just flash that way.


I am not an alien. I don't have any USB's slot inside my head. My brain just perfectly work like how it should be. Forgetting when things were too old or boring, sleepy when it says 8 PM already, dizzy when everything bump into me continuously, and of course always hungry when comes time to eat.

In just no time at all, I wishfully hope that I'll graduate, and be sent out into the world to find my own meaning of life.
