


It has been long yet short weeks.
Long because of all the lectures, the boring reading, and endless bustling over assignments.
Short because I haven't had a chance to count the days but this is already nearly the end of this lecture-term.

source: Rory Gilmore wannabe
Examinations are just two weeks to go and I just realized that my brain was completely knocked-out during every class. For you to believe or not, sitting in a class neatly didn't always mean my fully me was there. Well, I mean the body, indeed was there, but the soul? straying along to who-may-know site.

It's funny how time can play games with us - when we are too overwhelmed with things, time seems to run away from us. I don't know what things made me so lost in thought, or it just my excuse for not understanding the lectures. But along this two weeks, I don't really know where my soul fled away.

But now I am afraid.
I have wasted even a minute of today worrying about how I should set my foot to walk on this path, about whether I should wear a coat or use an umbrella in rain, and whether my effort is working for me.

This path is not easy, indeed. But, I haven't found my comfort zone to ensconce. But life must go on, I can never stop or turn back the time. This life's consequences are somehow my own choice from the very first beginning. 

But please...
I want a break! I want a space to breath! or if those are too much, give me a chance to forget what hesitation is.