vanilla latte

Vanilla Latte [5]


July 16, 2018


Everyone was surrendering, to the ticking time...

for the unfailing rain that repulse to cease.

And I was still trapped between my vanilla latte and his americano.


Caffè Americano--iced.

the ice cubes were all almost gone.

I finally conceded my disguise in a book and reached the glass of vanilla latte.

He budged a little and looked up at me.


the very question he disserted was thing that didn't need an answer, out of all.

"No." I answered. 

I was honest. It wasn't sweet, the ice cubes were all melted away and diluted my should-be-sweet vanilla latte. 
I guess he was thirsty after saying stupid question and took himself his americano.

"Coffee should taste like this, 70 percent bitter, and sour the rest."

I turned away as he made another intentional eye-contact.

and I cursed.

to the pouring rain.

I watched half of him through the reflection of the dampen window, he was then leaning back and observed things outside. I just noticed that he wore a pretty brown velvet coat, looking warm. And he put his deerskin primaloft gloves on the table, in custard? and sure he matched them with his coat.

The afternoon was well-spent.

in awkward silence and fleeting ungainly eye-contact.



Saturday with Sister: The Village (2)


July 15, 2018

Photographed with fad.
Sister in frame.

 The Village has many interesting photo spots.
Wooden bridges, wooden stairs, classic store building, and a black big window.


Saturday with Sister: The Village (1)


July 8, 2018

So, just yesterday, me and sister drove to one trending good place in town around 11 kilometers from home, 25 minutes to count. This place always come into sight in every weekend's instagram timeline, and when curiosity met a good time, we decided to step on the gas.

Things that make the place seems new and novel in town is the red brick building along with other classic-likes. Paying IDR 18.000 would afford you to enjoy the small river and walking path.

You would be offered with many paths to choose to walk on, there are some cutie bridges, a small walking path at the back, and riverside alley at the center which was more crowded.

These got me a very good vibe, cafe and coffee shop are really in a beautiful spot for you to get relaxed to the maximum.

Besides, there are many cutie things to see and touch,

Gooses are enjoying their afternoon bath, coming out of nowhere, but they are cute.

Fluffy sheeps were hungry and rushed out when we brought afternoon snacks.

And a kind of aves inside the cage.

Also hard-to-get sweet things which costed me 10 minutes in line...

The Village is located in Jl. Raya Baturaden, Dusun I, Rempoah, Baturraden, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53151.