


April 6. 2020

 if only, i could pick of what things better remain as memories, i would choose your every companion. with your eyes fixing on your work, with your words, never really answering to my preaches and carps, but still... you stayed. 

He came, with an extra slice of mocha nougat roll-cake.
"I thought it wouldn't be enough, but it's big and i paid two already..."  his hand moved, putting the wooden tray on the table, first, placing the cake beside my glass of vanilla latte. 

"a treat." he added.

i observed how he took a seat, putting of his coat, taking out his phone and put it upside-down on the table. He didn't look worried that he shared a table with a stranger. At last, he finally was crashing concentrated on his tablet's screen.

"do you always come here? for a vanilla latte?" he finally realized my presence.

"mm... it's two-cents cheaper than anywhere else." 

he laughed.

and stopped, when watching me picking out the nuts.

"you enjoy the cake that way?" he asked 

"eat the cake..."

"i will... slowly."  

how could i finish this so hastily, i value this so heartily. i got retribution-- for waiting over almost like a decade-- to see you...