
Education: Discipline yet Friendly


December 25, 2016

As you age, you’ll develops your own theories of how you want to act in your entire life. Everyone has their own art in choosing thousands of wisdom and lessons, to choose one or to seek their own way. I have been going to school, receiving all sorts of preach from teachers for seventeen years now and I feel like I have my own freedom to convey any values ​​and morals which ever been instilled.

Formal education plays an important role in preparing everyone to determine of  what kind of person they will grow and develop. What good education would help? Friendly Education.

The theory put forward by William Glasser can describe what kind of education should be done. Glasser said that there are four basic needs of children, freedom, achievements, joy, and love, and these four points should be instillled in school. Teachers, should be able to ensure classrooms are fun and interesting for every student, despite their misbehave behavior. Misbehave behavior of each student is a proof that freedom is still exist, but in a condition that consequences are also available. A teacher is allowed to own the right of authority in the classroom to control conducive situation.

This is one form of discipline. Assertive discipline is a solution to misbehave behavior. According to Lee and Marlene Canter, discipline aims to teach students to choose the action that can be accounted for. Discipline may take place on condition that a teacher should not waver in the face of student behavior that tries to beg, bribe, cry, angry, aggressive or sulk.
One of the failures that often hamper the progress of discipline value is inconsistency in applying the rules. Friendly education is an education accommodated with love and compassion. However this is often used as a proposition to release a student who is at fault. For a teacher, showing care, sympathy, even empathy is essential to establish respect in students. But, to be objective is also important to establish the student responsible.


Chocolate: A Happy Booster


December 9, 2016

O–nice life, while I am still able to feel my head fully compressed by shattered and scattered lectures’ matters, papers, readings, cheap typical dilemma of teenager, and all those bugs filling every single space of my lobes. Ha-ha, how nice…

THAT’S–what makes curse is damn heavenly good.

In today’s 24/7 world, stress affects us in myriads ways. From the light-simple bad mood to the badly extreme migraine, from the unknown reason crying and yelling to excessive unstoppable munching habit. Those are all how people will define and notify that they are in one of “stressed-out” phase of life. True?

Then, what would one do to relieve their stress? to at least escape from the inflexible feeling of the heart?

Most of them would run around the town.

Go dating? Hmm… seeing his smile is an answer of all problems.

Yelling out loud, cursing, swearing. Oh-damn, I owe so much to those who found those words of curse. 

But… I would walk to the convenient store, grabbing one bar of $1 delfi chocolate, one with almond inside. First of all, it’s not tiring. Secondly, I am not really sure if I have someone to go dating with. 

Thirdly, I hate when my throat sore from all shouting. The last, it’s sweet and comfort me.
“Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don’t need an appointment“
anonymously written-a nice quote found in a Journal.

Parker and Crawford had proven that from 3000 individuals with clinical depression, 45% showed their crave for eating chocolate reasoning it would help them with their mood. Chocolate has been used as clinical therapy since the days of the Aztecs. Interesting?

Some researchers concluded that chocolate has therapeutic effect on modulating stress. It was reported that consuming 50 g of dark chocolate could decrease stress reactivity through suppressing cortisol synthesis from adrenal gland. The modulating effect of chocolate is done by inhibiting serotonin degradation and prolongs its action on creating happiness. Salsalinol (SAL) contents in chocolate also bind to dopamine receptors which affect reward system and endorphins production. 

Another interesting mechanism of chocolate psychoactive effect is acted by the nutritional value. High intake of high-carbohydrate and tryptophan would increase your insulin’s plasma level. Insulin plays crucial role as amino acid transporter and help tryptophan decreasing their competitor passing blood-brain barrier to be converted into serotonin. Thus, it’s an important mechanism which increase serotonin level in brain post-synapse. 

By the way, I am just finding my own justification and excuses to keep enjoying chocolate despite the weight-gain I am facing. Whatever it takes, make your self happy first! Happy, happy :)

Dari Hati


December 7, 2016

Di mana rindu ini akan bermuara?
Di antara ribuan teriknya hati yang menunggu.

Rasanya, aku mulai tak percaya dan merasa tak adil tentang "waktu yang akan menjawab..."
tak adil karena lambat laun aku menjadi lelah menunggu.

Bisakah kita hentikan candaan yang mulai tak lucu ini?
Dengan apapun caranya.

 Tak terasa...
mungkin malam mulai bosan mendengarkan.
aku juga mulai bosan.

rasa itu tak memiliki dimensi.
tapi melampaui jarak dan waktu itu bukannya tak sulit kan? 
tak mudah.

hampir tujuh tahun itu bukan main-main.
dan perasaan itu masih teretensi di sini, dengan rindu dan resah yang semakin membuatnya berkarat.

untuk kesekian kalinya, aku yang menjadi ragu.