
Lectures + Exams = I am Half Alive!


I don't want to alarm you, or frighten you. Those who have already declared where to continue your studies to university, campus life is just meant only for those who have tough and strong commitment. Bringing only your 'innocent' dream to be engineer, doctor, economist, or what you call that, I swear that is not enough to keep your head's up. Me, my self, I don't know how to express my feeling, but I am half alive.

credited to Selin
For a total 32 lectures consist of biochemistry, anatomy, histology, a slight physiology and genetics, we have to summarize those hundreds of slide and force them in to our head. We learned about a real small things exist in our body, that what the lecturer said. But sometimes I just love to question, aren't they really exist? Fine. Human is just too wonderful to draw the scheme of how each molecule in our body works, so detailly and to be honest so perfectly.


Wanting-not-wanting, I will need to go through this same phase of time for 6 years ahead. Long enough, so long, too long. I could go back and reminisce about the past years, high-school's lovely nights and days, but I think it's more important to focus on where I will be in the future. I should be concentrating on enhancing my futures and being a great example for those who love me and for those who may follow.

 I know I can't really win against these many obstacles, but I am going to fight anyway. I am going to fight to not let the things that matter slip by in the rush of things that don't matter.

It's time to realize that time will never cease to tick.
Time to take everything we need from the world we are given.
Time to take time, for season to change.
And in just no time, We will find our own meaning in life.

In just not time at all.




It has been long yet short weeks.
Long because of all the lectures, the boring reading, and endless bustling over assignments.
Short because I haven't had a chance to count the days but this is already nearly the end of this lecture-term.

source: Rory Gilmore wannabe
Examinations are just two weeks to go and I just realized that my brain was completely knocked-out during every class. For you to believe or not, sitting in a class neatly didn't always mean my fully me was there. Well, I mean the body, indeed was there, but the soul? straying along to who-may-know site.

It's funny how time can play games with us - when we are too overwhelmed with things, time seems to run away from us. I don't know what things made me so lost in thought, or it just my excuse for not understanding the lectures. But along this two weeks, I don't really know where my soul fled away.

But now I am afraid.
I have wasted even a minute of today worrying about how I should set my foot to walk on this path, about whether I should wear a coat or use an umbrella in rain, and whether my effort is working for me.

This path is not easy, indeed. But, I haven't found my comfort zone to ensconce. But life must go on, I can never stop or turn back the time. This life's consequences are somehow my own choice from the very first beginning. 

But please...
I want a break! I want a space to breath! or if those are too much, give me a chance to forget what hesitation is.


Brand New Soul


We are a team! Girls starting from left {Lorisna, Ratih, Mba Ninis, Nirmala, Silvana, Me, Elsa, Febri, Kia}. Boys starting from left {Mas Naufal, Faiz, Sesar, and Sutan} one person was missing *Arsyad*. We'll walk together for six months ahead to start our journey. We are NEFROLOGY.
This has been a hectic week -- sort of essays, reviews, and all things dealing with new student orientation. For the first time in a long life, I have finally had the opportunity to feel such a feeling where time seems rushing me, and this has been giving me a reflection about what is going to come next as a med-student. About time, how it flies so fast, about how there won't be any enough of it. About new surroundings, the people whom I'll share my future and days together. I feel like I just graduated yesterday, and now I am a complete and official med-student.

The question then will arise, how I'll fight against lives which I'll meet up everyday? How can I get some measure to control? Between tests and quizzes, projects and lab reports, bloody big and thick books. Weeks and months will just flash that way.


I am not an alien. I don't have any USB's slot inside my head. My brain just perfectly work like how it should be. Forgetting when things were too old or boring, sleepy when it says 8 PM already, dizzy when everything bump into me continuously, and of course always hungry when comes time to eat.

In just no time at all, I wishfully hope that I'll graduate, and be sent out into the world to find my own meaning of life.



Back to School


Saying goodbye and rushing back to school days. Finally, I'll meet up with brand new surroundings in my new school, no, that's university to be true. These past days have been quite busy with the orientation tasks. Writing a personal essay about my self starting from the past and my future dreams makes my brain turning around here and there, and in the end it just resulted a messed-up and scattered idea. I'll try to post it later, well that's kinda embarrassing, showing off how I am so bad at writing down an idea.

My sister also started to move out to her boarding house, well finally after 12 years we always went to the same school, and these past 2 years we were in a same class, we decided to go on our own way to pursue what we have dreamed. She will continue her study in industrial engineering while I take major in medicine. We are completely having different vision of our future.

As a varsity student, I don't think I can just sit still and sleep soundly like what I have always done in the past. I mean, how stressful I was in high school when I need to join competition, followed a training, and doing my exams, I could still sleep at least 6 hours a day. But looking at how typical med-students run their lives, I should make sure that I am prepared to even let my eyes opened for a night and a day. Seeing so many thick books I'll need to master and how there will be more challenging thing, I don't think I can have a time to scroll on my twitter's timeline.

However, those are how successful man did in their past, right? Rather than quitting, I think the most possible fact is to conquer and strive more.I have my goals and indeed need to deal with the determination to make it real.

Fighting for you guys! Those who never stop cycling the bike will never stop and fall. Just make sure, you direct the wheels in a right way :)




What so great in my July this year? Nothing fun to do, I am completely deflated on my bed. School is just so hard but I have come to realize that having really long days off is just way too much harder. Well, these have been a fantastic months – no classes, no homework, finally after awhile, but yes I seemed quite swallowed by the time.

Wondering what I do all these time? Simply, just sinful days with watching dramas, turning to whale (literally gaining so damn much weights), and all boring things. The  time was sure running too slow.

Anyway, why the weather suddenly grows sync to my heart? Like, suddenly it would turn so bright and damn hot but the other way it would suddenly be so cloudy all the day and the night would full of rain pouring down. Just as labile as me? You know, being bored could just drive anyone to have mood swing.

Speaking of raining, it made me remember the time when I used to look out of the window watching the rain sparked their drops onto my glass window. Just like how poems or songs wrote in lyrics, those moments were just too bloody mellow. I mean, it was the moment when we always think of the bitter part of our past or something regretful that we shouldn’t do since the very first place.

And know what? I hate rain.

My birthday is always on rainy day, when it says that it’s the time already to turn my age, and that’s when the sky turns to sorrow. When I supposed to go out and celebrate outside, I just remained silent in my room, regretting why the rain has to come in super wrong time. That’s too bad.

Ough – why I am feeling rather sad now?

I am hearing to some ballads song, Korean ballad song,
Titled You wouldn’t Answer My Calls by 2AM

And guess what? It’s raining outside.

It is really sad when you listen to the song while watching the music video telling the tragic love story of one who was left by his love. I don’t want to tell further, my absurd sadness will get worse.

Right, it’s a month to go until the first day being varsity student. I will miss the time when I used to wear uniform, well I just finished packing my high school uniform into the box, wearing uniform is kind of fun though, at least I shouldn’t bother on what to wear every day.

Now that I have left the high school time, I regret some part of time when I should have done better than what I did before. There’s nothing I can hope but trying to do a make-up for what I did formerly, I should do better in the future.

Have a nice day and watch your health!





Life is just getting harder on my side. Well, it seems unfair when I said on my side. Practically, because it's impossible to know how yours and others.
I am shaking

I am wavering.

I have arrived here, means that there have been so many things I have passed before. Not one, not only two, I didn’t even think to count.

Final exams, graduating, university application, many uncertainties in both the imminent and distant future, so on and so far.

Well, this piece of meat here wants to share something...

Honestly, I have officially passed the university application, not that hard but definitely enough to make my heart almost dropped by the damn waiting. Frankly, among many people who wanted to be in my position, I could be consider lucky that I didn’t need to do twice force, I even think I haven’t done any forces. But praise the lord – he gave me chance to breathe at least in comfort.

To be said, now I am a med-student. Not so sure, but I wish I can finish and be a wonderful doctor with beautiful heart and yes, as philanthropist.


Of course, you don’t need to ask twice, I am infinitely happy. So damn happy. Simply, some people mark their enrollment in university as a new sensation of life.

On my parents behalf I’ll try to do my best. My dad’s, mom’s, families’, and of course my dream finally meet the front gate, one lock was cracked already.

But I would seem stupid if I said I was just happy, cause what? I have mixed feelings of a bit nervous, afraid, uneasy, and what you called that... quite unsure.

Nervous that I don’t know what is waiting me ahead. Afraid because there would be many obstacles that may turn the way, uneasy for making some people disappointed (I am not sure, but I just feel so.).
And quite unsure? The fact is that I still have dreams which keep telling me to come near before anyone would grab it first. This is what makes me quite wavering. This happy thing about being med-student seems blocking some way to the remaining dreams. I am such an unwise right? I am afraid that I would be such a coward and unthankful piece.

Thought that I would only spend my days with books, lab works, or anything, frightens me. Of course as a burning youth, I wouldn’t just stay as a bookworm. I also want to explore and elaborate what I have in mind.
My high-school was used to be hectic with so many stuffs I did. Not within the books or study things. Most of my high school times were killed outside school, instead. For things like championships and training camps, even though mostly ended with empty-handed (without trophies or regretfully cashes).

And as burning youth, I want to do much more challenging stuffs to see if I have any other awesome things inside. But people said being med-student would require us to give out all our times. This is a tough reality.

How should I do? I have committed my self to finish what I have started. I realized that sometimes we just need to sacrifice to gain more, but can’t we do those many happy things all in one time? I mean, I would have no time to get back to present time.

Wish that I can take any certain way to walk on. I want so many things already since the very first of start.



Yang tak Sempat Terucap


Hanya seperti musim hujan yang mulai lelah dan siap untuk terlelap kembali, walaupun aku belum lelah tapi kisah-kisah ku tiga tahun ini mungkin sudah menemukan episode akhirnya, atau juga karena mereka telah lelah untuk merangkai setiap alur ceritanya untukku, seperti itulah akhirnya aku harus menjumpai lagi perpisahan lain yang pasti akan membuatku selalu rindu.

Selalu saja, ketika hatiku merangkai perasaan menuju tiga tahun yang telah berlalu, aku tak pernah menghadirkan hanya seseorang, keramaian dan gaduh yang aku rindukan itu datang bersama, yang aku temui adalah kenangan mengenai kita yang pernah memakai pakaian seragam yang tidak istimewa, duduk di atas kursi yang sama kenangannya, di bawah atap tinggi yang aku harap jangan pernah runtuh walaupun lama kelamaan akan rapuh, di antara lorong kecil yang setia menunggu hujan reda.

Untuk teman-teman yang selalu memberikan bayangan luar biasa tentang kehidupan, untuk tiga tahun yang telah terlewat, kalian tak mungkin melupakanku kan? Jikapun suatu saat nanti kalian tak ingat aku, aku tak yakin apakah aku telah bisa memudarkan kenangan kita.

Bagaimanapun, kita pernah berjalan dengan cerita-cerita lugu yang sama. Aku, kamu, dan kita pernah sama-sama tak istimewa. Tapi aku harap ketika nanti kita akan bertemu, kita sudah menjadi manusia yang istimewa.
Kehidupan apa yang akan aku lihat nanti? Buku apa yang akan kalian baca nanti? Jalan seperti apa yang akan kalian lewati? Angin sedingin apa yang akan membuatku meringkuk nanti? Seberapa lama hujan akan menutup hari-hari kalian? Kisah apa lagi yang akan terjadi, entah, tapi kita akan menemuinya segera.
Walaupun nanti kita akan memiliki jawaban yang berbeda, aku berharap kalian tak pernah sungkan untuk membaginya. Aku berharap nanti kalian akan tetap berlari ketika menemuiku, masih ingin memberikan pelukan yang bahkan lebih hangat, dan berbagi cerita yang lebih menggetarkan.
Kita akan bertemu lagi, kan? Kalian masih inginkan untuk melihat bagaimana aku nanti, kan? Kalian masih akan sempat menyelipkan rindu di sela waktu yang berlalu, kan? 

-where the memories will never fade away-

Please welcome yourself into your very own a whole new world. When later, you feel like life is too hard for you to go through, when yells come straight from your left and right, when winds blow you hard, remember that we did have something hard in our past, and see? We have come this far, we have passed through any times. 
You guys, you know it I love you all so much, so much that I am not sure how it will turn. When you believe you can't be good, at least don't ever think to create harms. Fighting!

-for Avicenna and Generous, who have brought me into an indescribable world-

Dari Hati

Sebentar Lagi...


Langit masih menunjukkan misterinya, gelap yang legam terkadang bersama badai. Mungkin sudah lebih dari ribuan helai daun menyerahkan diri pada angin, tak mampu berpegang lagi pada ranting yang juga terlihat ingin mati saja...

Musim hujan akan segera menyerah, sebentar lagi. Walau angin-angin itu masih belum ingin berhenti, tapi aku yakin senja yang hangat akan cepat datang lagi. 
Menanti senja masih menjadi waktu yang aku rindukan, melihat ilalang-ilalang yang menari tertiup kejinggaan mega. Tahukah kau? Terlalu banyak kata yang aku simpan dan akhirnya hilang dibalik selimut tebal ini.
Hal yang indah di sini, menggelembung dihatiku, betapa ternyata aku telah terlalu merindukan gadis musim dinginku. Rindu itu kian menjadi indah, setelah akhirnya aku tahu di mana jejakmu sekarang. Walau salju tak mengizinkan ku melihat jejak tapakanmu, tapi ranting-ranting beku itu telah menunjukkan jalan.
Di sana, di tempat yang akhirnya aku tahu, jangan biarkan hujan membasahimu. Berdiamlah di rumah hingga badai usai. Dingin di luar begitu tajam, sedikit lagi. Aku akan menemuimu lagi, di setiap sela senja yang jingga. Lewat sayap-sayap burung perantau yang juga rindu, lewat bertumpuk-tumpuk hangat di ujung barat. 

Dari Hati



Rasa sesal itu tak akan pernah sirna, pada kehidupan siapapun, aku juga yakin bahwan putri saljupun tahu apa rasanya menyesal.

 Awan ataupun matahari, mereka datang dengan cara yang tak pernah aku duga. Entah teduh ataupun cerah. Aku percaya, jika seseorang pernah menulis bahwa waktulah satu-satunya yang bukan makhluk yang paling rakus. Waktu-waktu itu hanya berputar, tak meninggalkan jejak, tiba-tiba saja pagi menjadi gelap, tiba-tiba saja aku telah berada hampir di ujung jalan.
Waktu-waktu itu yang memakannya, kan?
Siapa kalau bukan dia?
Tak pernah kenyang?
Atau tak mengerti arti lapar?
Sesal itu, selalu memaksaku untuk mencari sebuah pelampiasan, mencari seorang yang pantas aku kambing hitamkan, bukan memang aku yang ingin, tapi memang rasa sesal itu yang memaksaku untuk melakukan itu. Dan, akhirnya semua mengarah pada detak jarum yang tak akan pernah berbalik arah.
Aku baru saja sadar, terlalu lambar sebenarnya untuk sadar, bahwa aku ternyata telah berdiri sejak lama dengan tangan kosong, tanpa jaring penangkap serangga, tanpa garam untuk mengusir ular, tanpa apapun. Inikan yang namanya rasa sesal? Aku baru menyadarinya ketika kumbang-kumbang beracun berterbangan dii atas kepalaku, ketika beribu ular melingkar menghadangku, ketika aku tahu aku telah tak tahu bagaimana caranya menuju ke sana, ke tujuan akhirku. 

Aku menyesal,
Mengapa setelah tersandung batu besar?
Aku menyesal,
Aku baru tahu aku butuh perisai

Dari Hati

Serbuk Debu


Pagi tadi, aku meniup-niup debu-debu abu yang bersarang lemah di atas sepatuku, tiba-tiba saja aku merasa takjub ketika aku melihat serbuk-serbuk itu terbang diantara berkas-berkas embun, entah mengapa, itu terlihat seperti keajaiban...

Debu yang kulihat itu pasti ringan, bahkan mungkin sehelai rambutku masih beribu-ribu lebih berat. Debu itu datang dari jauh, mengapa memilih menetap di atas sepatuku? Mengapa memilih untuk bertemu denganku? Padahal, akhirnya mereka akan ku tiup, bahkan aku tak menyapanya sama sekali. Untuk apa debu seperti itu, tanpa mereka sepatuku saja sudah terlihat begitu lusuh.

Aku bahkan tak berpikir untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal,

Tapi aku baru saja takjub, melihat kenyataan bahwa debu itu mampu terbang diantara ribuan titik-titik yang lebih pekat. Bagaimana jika aku adalah serbuk debu? Aku pasti akan lebih mampu terbang...

Di titik ini, hidupku selalu membangunkanku tiba-tiba ditengah malam, berteriak dan memaki, sejauh apa aku telah berjalan, sejauh apa aku telah terbang, dan mengancamku jangan sampai aku mendarat. Aku sedih, karena sekarang aku belum mampu menjawab, entah belum mendapatkan jawaban, atau terlalu malu untuk menyatakan kenyataan yang ada.
Terkadang aku ingin sekali menjadi debu-debu itu yang bahagia saja walaupun dilirik sinis oleh orang-orang, yang bahagia saja walau telah terusir ribuan kali, yang bahagia saja dan terus bisa terbang. Debu kecil itu, yang aku anggap hanya menambahkan predikat lusuh pada sepatuku. Akupun ingin seperti mereka...

Untuk debu yang tadi pagi terbang entah sekarang di mana,
Bermuaralah ditempat yang indah, 
Bisakah kau tidak membuatku iri?
Jangan terus bahagia, ketika orang-orang mengusirmu,
Sedih sedikit-sedikit juga tak apa,
Perjalananmu, aku ingin memilikinya,
Debu kecil,
Nanti, aku akan terbang lebih jauh dibanding denganmu,
Aku akan lebih bahagia dan bersahaja,

Dari Hati

"Selamat Ulang Tahun..."


Rindu itu sederhana, ketika aku menyadari aku telah memiliki banyak kisah dan kenangan, ketika aku tahu bahwa aku telah menghabiskan beribu-ribu hari, dan aku rindu setiap berkas cahaya yang pernah memberiku jalan hingga aku sampai di sini.
Bulu mataku tak panjang, tapi aku cukup bahagia ketika mereka tetap berada di sana melindungi mataku dari debu dan kumbang-kumbang nakal. Beribu hasil pena yang aku telah baca, karena Tuhan tetap memberiku kepercayaan tulusNya untuk menitipkan mata ini hingga kini.

Rindu yang rimbun
Hati yang tambun
Senyum yang santun
Dan hijaunya daun-daun
Hanya itu,
Bahagiakupun akan meluap-luap
Hanya itu,
Aku mungkin akan lupa bagaimana cara menguap
 Dan hanya itu,

Tuhan telah memberiku ruang istimewa diantara semut dan kumbang yang berterbangan. Tak seperti laron-laron yang buta di kegelapan, aku tetap suka malam-malam legam yang hangat dan megah. Dengan begitu, mata-mata yang sayu hanya terlihat seperti remang-remang, dengan begitu, aku dapat merebah.

Banyak mimpi-mimpi yang menunggu...
#Pesan istimewa untuk Tuhan,
Aku tak bisa mengungkapkan bagaimana rendah lagi aku dihadapanMu.
Jangan buat rasa syukurku habis,
Aku akan takut

Dari Hati

Mengenang, 2013...


Sebagaimana seharusnya nafas itu merasuk dalam setiap sel-sel, sebagaimana mestinya matahari datang di setiap akhir mimpi. Sebagaimana yakinnya air mata jatuh menemani kesedihan yang resah diantara tangisan jangkrik. Sebagaimana dinginnya gelap memenuhi hidup. Sebagaimana juga, malam ini 31 Desember 2013 hujan tak ingin lekang.
 "Rangkai jari-jariku sedikit beku"
Jauh dari anganku, aku menginginkan awal tahun yang cerah bersama bintang, kalaupun bisa lindungi langitku dari percik-percik kembang api yang tak tulus.
Aku akan memulai kenanganku, bersama kata dan nafas yang aku sisakan untuk malam ini, malam terakhir 2013, yang aku harap akan menjadi gerbang untuk kawat-kawat yang akan menjadi tempatku nanti menggantung setiap mimpiku, di tahun selanjutnya, di tahun yang aku harap akan menjadi penuh senyuman, di tahun yang aku harap akhirnya membuatku menjadi dewasa, di tahun yang aku harap Tuhan masih memberiku kepercayaan untuk sekali lagi mencoba menjadi manusia yang tak lepas dari tuntunan-Nya. 
Tahun 2013, bukan tahun yang bisa aku lewati dengan mudah. Di sini, aku banyak menemukan banyak hal yang membuatku lebih menjadi manusia, sisi lain dari dunia ini, mungkin beberapa bagiannya sudah aku lihat, akhirnya...
Malam ini aku sangat bersyukur bahwa aku terlahir dengan mengakui Tuhan yang tak pernah lupa membuatku terus memulai hari lain setiap pagi. Yang telah membiarkanku mengintip sedikit apa artinya indah dengan senja, jingga-Nya yang merona selalu menghangatkan tirai jendelaku, meniup-niup ujung-ujungnya sedikit.
Tidak sedikit kisah rindu yang pernah aku coba tuliskan di sini, bahkan mungkin kata rindu itu sulit untuk dihitung. Selain menuliskannya, aku tak memiliki daya untuk melakukan hal lain. Aku bahkan terlalu sulit untuk membayangkan seperti apa rupanya sekarang, apa yang dilakukannya, di mana, mungkinkah aku tak pernah sekilas hadir sebagai sedikit kenangan. Itu yang hanya bisa aku gambarkan, karena memang sesungguhnya rindu seperti itu yang setiap kali membangunkanku di tengah malam. 

"Hari ini aku kembali bertemu dengan malam tahun baru, 31 Desember...
Kapan terakhir kali kita berada dekat pada hari-hari seperti ini?
I wish I can make a good living, just as I wish you will have one.
It's just few days later that finally I reach my seventeenth,
Don't you want to see me? Sing me a happy birthday?
I'll finally grow, don't you want to see how I've grown so well?"