
Personality: INTJ-T?


June 30, 2016

Personality shouldn’t be kept mystery. 

Personality is someone’s hidden intelligence. 


In the era where people should be their own-self’s hero, the best cheat to conduct a living is knowing who you are to be the best what you are…

It’s only a fun thing to do between your study, take it in only 12 minutes.


It’s somehow sounded true that I wasn’t really good in engaging others or conditions. 
Based on the 16personalities website, INTJs form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population – it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.

The good side INTJs might show…
  • Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind – see things from many perspectives, taking every opportunity to improve their knowledge, and this shows in the strength and flexibility of their strategic thinking. Their curiosity would kill cats.
  • High Self-Confidence – INTJs trust their rationalism above all else, so when they come to a conclusion, they have no reason to doubt their findings. 
  • Independent and Decisive – Authority figures do not impress INTJs, nor do social conventions or tradition, and no matter how popular something is, if they have a better idea, INTJs will stand against anyone they have to in a bid to have it changed. 
  • Hard-working and determined – If something piques their interest, INTJs can be astonishingly dedicated to their work, putting in long hours and intense effort to see an idea through. 
  • Open-minded – All this rationalism leads to a very intellectually receptive personality type, as INTJs stay open to new ideas, supported by logic, even if (and sometimes especially if) they prove INTJs’ previous conceptions wrong. 
  • Jacks-of-all-Trades – capable of doing anything they set their minds to. Excelling at analyzing anything life throws their way, INTJs are able to reverse-engineer the underlying methodology of most any system and apply the concepts that are exposed wherever needed. INTJs tend to have their pick of professions, from IT architects to political masterminds

Despite those things that INTJs might have, I often heard people talk about me being arrogant, judgmental, overly analytical, and have no affection. It’s just funny. 

It turned out to be INTJ-T, it didn’t guarantee anything because I think personality is one’s brain prerogative. Things called emotions, affections, temperament, and manner are one’s prerogative. It shouldn’t be defined in particular way and nothing could measure it as how it is. 

But I’d like being secure when knowing these sort of lists, that nothing has ever been wrong. Being cold or warm, lenient or rigid, no one could guarantee which one would fit the best to live happier in lives.

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