


Once I thought, it would be nice to just stay inside my comfortable zone, inside a warm embrace of mommy's arms, and keep my self away from the stormy seas. But that only works for those who never think of any headway, for people who never dreamed of becoming mature and holding the word inside their hand. But I have come to a realization that I need to improve! I must advance!

Everyone at one of thousands points throughout lives would fail, would fall, would lose, would suck at thing, would regret, would embarrass their selves. And today, it's my turn to fall and land on the lowest profile of this world, too low from the hopes that I have been trying to revive. Falling is painful. I got wounds. I got scars inside heart that is inflexible to mend. This, maybe (I am exaggerating) is one of the toughest way I need to hike up back to be on top, my favorite place.

Let me tell you, how it happened. How finally I need to experience the agonizing tumble in the beginning of this year, 2016.

I made a really hard decision of whether i should challenge, at least to see how my self is doing this far. I didn't do anything yet, until it was minus one day from the closing date. I didn't fill in the application form, hadn't thought of making a motivation letter, and printed my GPA script, not until it was minus one day from the deadline. Such a deadliner!

I was just going to bury my gut under the fears and doubts when my heart said it would be a lost to miss such a chance to challenge and prove myself. Thus, I finally apply with nothing to wish rather than a precious experience of competing, without ambition, without obsession. I tell you, I looked like only gambling with luck at first.

It passed just like that, I even forgot that I applied because there were too much things occupied me such as nonsense midnight crying until skipping classes reasoning I was too fed up by those lectures I could read on my own. Honestly, this semester was just like a playground, I idled at the library, sleeping, playing candy crush, reading novels or news about Afghanistan's Taliban to Pakistan's homemade drone.


Days kept ticking and I didn't know where I finally found a commitment to mingle. I was suddenly being entangled with thing called anatomy. The damn difficult thing is now occupying my every chamber of my heart, even in every depression and elevation of my body's organs, even now after being completely rejected.

How did I get rejected?

Firstly, I am a stupid nut. There's no way they would accept such a big empty head to be there.

Secondly, I am a stupid nut who always have a hard time bustling with structures, places, and weird names.

Thirdly, I am a stupid nut who isn't smart.

Fourthly, I am stupid.

Fifthly, I am stupid.

I am stupid, I know right.

The whole reason might be I am a stupid damn big head with no talents or something to offer.

But I swear, I love it so much to learn about anatomy and be in daze, even though it's not easy to keep my eyes immersed onto the big thick atlas. Two minutes and I would get bored, I closed it. And I re-opened it, two minutes later I got bored and flew away finding a release, then back to stare, two minutes later I would feel like I am dying from those matters, then I pretend to die but then waking up again just to stare and tried to visualize every pictures onto my body. Ha-ha. I have those structures called bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, arteries, veins, everything inside me.

Even if it's not my favorite thing, it always gets me the feel in inevitable way. As long as I am happy, how hard it it, I would still rush for it, even if I didn't get to sleep and fight off my melatonin to stay up. Easy babe...

And I have been completely rejected. OUT!



Oprah Winfrey said,

"You will at some point fall and when you do, remember this! There's no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction."

Michael Jordan was cut from his high-school basketball team. Does he look like he's bad at basketball? No.

Walt Disney was fired from his first job because people said he was lack of imagination. The beatles was rejected from the recording studios because people said they had no future in show business.

It's okay to fall. Fall forward and stand up!

I still have thousand more way than enough to understand, outside there, with every sincere wish to be better. I will still be able to learn. I will.

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